sphinx monster card

Sphinx Monster Card art by Daniel Lopez-Melville

Sphinx Culture, Psychology, & Lore

by Test Author


“Test quote.”

– Test quoter.

Culture and Psychology


Special Tactics



Riddlers. Test.

Wise. Test.

Unforgiving. Test.

Stubborn. Test.


Melee 1. Test.

Melee 2. Test.

Ranged 1. Test.

Ranged 2. Test.

Special Units

Crossroads Guard. Test.

Jackal Sphinx. Test.

Counselor Sphinx. Test.

Sphinx Mage. Test.

Special Abilities

Blather. Test.

Call Rocs. Test.

Recall Historic Fact. Test.

Eyebind. Test.


Run. Test.

Climb. Test.

Swim. Test.

Burrow. Test.

Fly. Good.


Sphinxes detest liars, cheats, trespassers, and chaotic murderers.  They hate being bested in battles of wits, but respect the rules of such contests as binding.  They tolerate Elves, and enjoy eating Half-Orcs.


See the full blog here.


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