Reinforcements for Gargantuan Beasts


The presence, even the rumor, of a Gargantuan monster in the environment is felt like a pervasive low note in the background of a symphony.  Gargantuan beasts rarely make themselves known, but when they do they utterly dominate their landscape.  The impact of their actions will be discussed by lesser beings for thousands of leagues in all directions.  When battling a Gargantuan monster, it is commonplace to face their minions as well, often beasts of Huge size in their own right.

The Tome of Lore includes 36 narrative A.I. combat actions for Gargantuan Beasts.  These add danger, humor, and depth to your combat, and make your encounters instantly legendary.  Our combat actions are organized by Stage of Combat and monster Aggression Level, so monster behavior changes as combat unfolds.  About 15% of the narrative A.I. results for Heroic Beasts lead to the Reinforcements Table below.  Roll d100 to see which minions answer the call.

Reinforcements Table for Gargantuan Beasts

On Land

1-20.  Mammoth Spiders.  A clutter of 1d4 Mammoth Spiders skitters onto the battlefield!  They are drawn to blood, and attempt to swarm any wounded PCs, stinging them and restraining them with webs.

21-40.  Ankylosauruses.  A herd of 1d6 Ankylosauruses stampede onto the battlefield!  The alpha of the herd is adorned with a jade collar, he immediately charges the PC who is physically largest.

41-60.  Elder Oblex.  A massive Ooze seeps into the battle, its surface is jet black and iridescent.  A murder of haggard crows circles the Ooze from above, hoping to scavenge from its refuse.  The Oblex is drawn to magic-wielding PCs and focuses its attacks on them.

61-80.  Treants.  A stand of 1d4 Treants enter the battle howling, and blowing stone horns.  They have been convinced that the PCs are evil, if this is not the case the party may be able to turn the Treants to their cause with a DC 17 CHA Check.  The Treants preferentially attack PCs who are Half-Orc, and those who wield axes.

81-00.  Stone Giants.  1d2 enslaved Stone Giants shuffle onto the field of battle wielding stalactite clubs and sacks of throwing boulders.  They are not particularly inspired to fight and may turn on their Gargantuan master if the PCs show considerable strength.  They make half-hearted attacks, staying at range avoiding damage when possible.

In the Air

1-20.  Adult Black Dragon.  Sindharadz, an adult Black Dragon with a telltale blot of grey scales on his left cheek, casts a sickening pall over the battlefield as he circles above.  Sindharadz uses his acid breath weapon almost immediately, targeting the PCs who he discerns are the most threatening to him.

21-40.  Quetzalcoatluses.  A wake of 1d6 Quetzalcoatlus soars above the battle, screeching and squawking.  They divebomb the PCs and attempt to spear them with their huge, lance-like beaks.  They are particularly fond of Halfling meat, and will pursue Halflings from the air for many leagues.

41-60.  Adult Yellow Dragon.  A rare Yellow Dragon appears in the air at the very fringes of combat.  It has been called by the Gargantuan beast, but has little loyalty to it and no desire to incur damage.  It cuts off any PCs who attempt to escape the battle, blasting them with its breath weapon of super-heated air and sand.  It flees if it suffers 30 or more points of damage in a single attack.

61-80.  Balor.  In fulfillment of an ancient oath, a dreadful Balor appears at the edges of the battle in a font of smoke and flame.  Upon inspecting the PCs, the Balor decides that the combat is far beneath him.  He stays, in order to pay his debt to the Gargantuan beast, but participates little in the battle.  He teleports to strategic spots on the edges of the combat to intimidate the PCs, but attacks only if attacked.

81-00.  Adult Red Dragon.  Rakondaron, an adult Red Dragon missing one of his front legs, indiscriminately blasts the battlefield with his fire breath weapon.  He is less interested in killing the PCs than he is in wreaking havoc in general.  This may anger the Gargantuan beast, and there is a 30% chance that it will attack the Dragon (thus sparking a battle between the two of them) each round it is damaged by the Dragon’s breath weapon.

In the Sea

1-20.  Hulking Crabs.  A cast of 1d8 Hulking Crabs attack the PCs from the deep.  If the party is on a ship, the crabs clamber aboard.  They shred the sails, break masts, and generally attempt to sink the ship as fast as they can.

21-40.  Giant Crocodiles.  A float of 1d6 Giant Crocodiles assault the party.  They are driven to frenzy by fresh blood and will swarm any wounded PC.  The Crocs fight to the death, but are fearful of fire and will retreat for one round if one or more of their number is wounded by flame.

41-60.  Hydra.  A lone Hydra rears up from the deep to accost the party.  On its chest it bears a scar in the shape of a rune, a DC 17 knowledge check reveals it is an ancient Titan rune, likely carved there during the aftermath of a historic battle.  If three of more of the Hydra’s heads are severed and not allowed to regrow (due to fire damage) it flees.

61-80.  Juvenile Kraken.  A massive wave precedes the arrival of a massive beast, a juvenile Kraken.  It charges the PCs, either ramming their ship, or smashing right through the center of the party.  The juvenile Kraken does not necessarily harbor murderous intent toward the PCs, moreso it is practicing its combat skills.  It flees if it suffer 50 or more damage in a single round.

81-00.  Froghemoths.  An army of 1d8 Frogemoths swim toward the PCs, joining the battle.  Two of them are equipped with saddles, but neither has a rider.  PCs who hit one of the saddled beasts with a melee attack may attempt a DC 16 DEX Check.  If successful they may swing into the saddle, and with an additional DC 14 Animal Handling check, they may ride the Froghemoth in the water or on land, controlling its actions.

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