Reinforcements for Winged & Flying Beasts

The beat of feathery wings.  The eerie quiet of a Beholder hovering.  The torrent of a Dragon’s wake as it thunders overhead.  For most playgroups, joining battle with flying beasts elicits fear and demands increased strategic thinking.  Flying monsters control the range of combat.  Their maneuverability, in concert with their special abilities, makes them an intimidating challenge.

As Dungeon Master, it’s important to remember that flying monsters do not view their ability to fly as special.  They fly as a matter of course, as naturally as ground creatures walk, sprint, or jump.  During the course of combat, flying monsters will almost always choose to remain aloft.  Just as sharks do not beach themselves to fight adversaries on hot sand, flying monsters rarely disadvantage themselves by wading into melee combat with ground-based threats.

The Grim & Deliberate Beast includes 36 narrative A.I. combat actions for Winged & Flying Beasts.  These add danger, humor, and depth to your combat, and make your encounters with flyers instantly legendary.  Our combat actions are organized by Stage of Combat and monster Aggression Level, so monster behavior changes as combat unfolds.  About 15% of the narrative A.I. results for Winged & Flying Beasts lead to the Reinforcements Table below.  Roll d100 to see which strange allies answer the call.

Reinforcements Table for Winged & Flying Beasts

1-10.  Hungry Hippogriffs!  1d2 hungry Hippogriffs fly into battle!  Their bodies are gaunt and their beaks drip with saliva as they speed toward the largest PC in the party…

11-20.  Dusty Gargoyles!  1d2 Gargoyles hover over the battlefield, and dump huge burlap sacks of dust down onto the party!  (The dust reeks of mildew affects a 30’x30’ square.  PCs in or passing through affected squares must Save DC 16 CON or suffer -2 to their hit rolls and -2 AC for 1d4 rounds.  After they dump their dust, the Gargoyles ferociously attack any PC they witness casting a spell.)

21-30.  Harmonizing Harpies!  1d3 Harpies appear in the sky at the rear of the combat.  They sing a dirge both haunting and beautiful, harmonizing flawlessly with one another.  (PCs who hear the dirge must Save DC 15 WIS or lose their next action.  The Harpies attack any PCs holding ranged weapons, especially longbows.)

31-40.  Fickle Griffons!  1d3 Griffons arrive at the battle, and appear taken aback to see the PCs.  They do not seem frightened, but seem almost to recognize the PCs from somewhere.  (The Griffons attack the PCs half-heartedly and can be made to turn against the flying beasts who summoned them with DC 16 CHA Check by any PC.)

41-50.  Winged Kobolds!  2d6 Winged Kobolds swoop into battle, armed with javelins.  “Death to those who attack the master!” they shriek, then hurl their javelins at the PC wearing the heaviest armor.

51-60.  Opinionated Pixies!  2d6 Pixies storm the battle from above, shouting insults and advice at the PCs.  “Wash your socks!”  “What an ugly, unfashionable sword!”  “Look at that nose, we could pitch a tent in the left nostril alone!”  (The Pixies are careful in their attacks, and attempt to flit in and out of combat, attacking PCs who have already acted this round.  PCs who hear their insults must Save DC 14 WIS or suffer -1 to hit on their next attack.)

61-70.  Bloodthirsty Striges!  A murder of 2d6 Stirges whirs above the combat.  They hover over the PC with the worst wounds, then dive bomb them with their needle-like, bloodsucking beaks!

71-80.  Flying Snakes!  A throng of 3d4 Flying Snakes suddenly plagues the battlefield!  They attack haphazardly, awkwardly flapping in and out of combat and biting PCs at random.

81-90.  Undead Vultures!  A wake 2d6 of undead vultures circle the battlefield, their bones creaking in the wind.  In a hollow voice their leader caws, “Today, we wait not for death.  Today we bring it with us.”  With that, they dive into battle and tear at the PCs’ eyes with their bony talons.

91-100.  Giant Bats!  A lesser cauldron of 1d4 Giant Bats explodes into combat, hissing and churning the air with their horrible, leathery wings.  They focus their attacks on the Cleric of the party, harassing that PC with their claws and high-pitched shrieks.

See the full blog here.

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