Reinforcements for Aberrations!

Combat with Aberrations is odd.  They make otherworldly sounds, emit foul odors, and attract strange minions.  PCs fighting Aberrations often experience humorous, horrifying, or unexpected events.  These combats should be relatively infrequent and memorably strange.  If players do not have at least one “What is going on here?” moment while fighting Aberration monsters, the DM should ask themselves why they are running Aberration encounters at all.

Roll d100 on the table below to see which reinforcements arrive during combat with Aberrations.

Reinforcements Table for Aberrations

1-10.  Giant Centipedes!  1d4 Giant Centipedes storm into battle with their legs clattering and their antennae flailing.  They bite the PCs nearest the Aberration.  Their bite carries poison, DC 12 CON Save or Speed is reduced to 10 for 1d2 rounds.  They can spit their poison for up to 30’ as well, DC 13 DEX Save or suffer -1 on attack rolls for 1d4 rounds.

11-20.  Rum Drunk Pixies!  A bawdy platoon of 1d4 Pixies fly haphazardly into combat, veering this way and that!  They slur their speech and shout excitedly about a jug of Dwarvish rum that they happened upon.  (They whir above the battlefield and randomly cast these spells—once per combat, per spell—on either themselves or the PCs.)

  1. Greater Invisibility

  2. Charm Person

  3. Dancing Lights

  4. Confusion

  5. Sleep

  6. Dispel Magic

21-30.  Parliament of Owls!  The sudden beat of wings announces a group of elderly owls, who perch above the combat and stare unceasingly at the magic-using PC.  (These are normal owls, who are under the sway of the Aberration.  They do nothing but stare, even if the PCs pick them off with ranged attacks.)

31-40.  Curious Brownies!  A set of 1d6 Brownies peek into the battle from the wings.  “What is happening here, might we ask?” they inquire.  “Why is it that are you tormenting our friend?”  (The Brownies cast Mirror Image on the Aberration to make it more difficult to hit.  Then they attempt to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but pepper the PCs with insults and insinuate that they are dumb brutes if they do not immediately comply.  If the PCs cease their aggression the Brownies offer to lead them to a natural spring that has “Something interesting at the bottom of it.”  They will not say what it is.  At the bottom of the 40’, water-filled spring is a bronze chest that contains 200 GP, a Necklace of Protection +1, and a magical Cursed dagger, -2 on attack rolls.)

41-50.  Nest of Snakes!  Suddenly the battlefield is crawling with Purpleharm Adders!  They strike at the PCs nearest the Aberration.  (Purpleharm poison deals 2d6 damage, DC 17 CON Save for half damage, and turns afflicted areas scarlet purple for 1d10 days.)

51-60.  Singing Gripplies!  A band of 1d8 merry Gripplies march into combat, singing and playing miniature bagpipes.  (These friendly little frogmen have no idea why they have been summoned, and assume it was to share in a meal with their Aberration comrade.  They immediately attempt to befriend the PCs and bring the conflict to an end.  If successful, they bestow a quest upon the PCs to clear a nearby cave of Bugbears.  As a reward they mention “The powerful axe of the Big Boss Bugbear.”)

61-70.  Knot of Fire Toads!  The battlefield hops with toads!   1d20 brightly colored toads charge the PCs nearest the Aberration and inflate their vocal sacs.  But unlike normal toads, Fire Toads do not release a croak, instead, they continue to inflate until they explode!  (Fire Toads that explode adjacent to a PC deal 1d6 fire damage, Save DC 16 DEX for half damage.)

71-80.  Plague of Beetles!  An army of Stink Beetles swarm the battlefield, buzzing overhead and harassing the PC’s faces and eyes.  (Save DC 18 DEX or suffer -2 AC and -2 to attack rolls for 1d4 rounds until the beetles disperse.)

81-90.  Will-o’-Wisps!  Two Will-o’-Wisps float into combat, diving at the PCs nearest the Aberration like angry finches.  (They use their Shock attack on these PCs for 2d8 damage, and continue to attack until the PCs flee, or die.)

91-100.  Pseudodragon!  A Pseudodragon circles the combat from above, leaving a trail of sparkling dust behind it!  (The Pseudodragon casts Grease on the battlefield to make things more difficult for the PCs.  10×10 square, DC 16 DEX Save for fall Prone for those in or passing through affected squares.  The following round it casts Silence in a 20’ sphere in an attempt to thwart PC spells that require verbal components.  Then it flies away.)

See the full blog here.

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