mummy monster card

Mummy Monster Card art by Devin Maupin

Mummy Origins, Behavior, & Lore

by Warren McHenry

“Attempts to recover the Helm of Theoron have failed.  Many of our diggers were slain by a mummified horde, whose groaning attacks ceased only when they fled.  The wide, silent eyes of the survivors has discouraged our return.”

–Salzet G.H.  Romenary, Royal Survey Archaeologist


Below the graves of the forgotten, beneath the Ocean of Dust, lies the buried city of Maralûm.  It was once home to an ancient people, who lived in the bright age before the Dragons came, who foresaw the darkening of the world and the annihilation of their people.  Their name was Talenkar.

The Talenkar were wise and tall, and would not stand idle while the world faded and their race diminished.  They understood that the way to survive the long Grey Years between their time and the coming of the Great Quiet was to touch death itself.

They would take the long sleep, suspended on a spider’s thread between life and death, sustained by the energy of the Black Moon they had discovered while studying distant stars.  They would sleep for a thousand winters, and arise when the world was fit and green again.

And so the Talenkar left behind their world of light and wheat fields, and went down into the dark.  They descended long, stone stairs into the hidden crypts beneath their cities, and prepared for sleep.

They feared that grave-robbers, and the nameless things that wander in the deep would disturb them as they slept, and carry off their treasures.  So they made Guardians to keep a deathless watch over their vaults.

The Guardians were volunteers, all.  Men and women who chose an eternity of unlife in service to their people, who chose to die and be remade.  They were wrapped with honeyed cloth and sage smoke was blown into their mouths.   Their hearts were swathed in straw and placed in clay jars, then sealed with beeswax.  When the ritual was complete, the Guardians awoke pale and quiet.  They could now stand guard over their people, the sleeping Talenkar, until the long Grey Years had passed.

But the Grey Years never came.  The sun did not retreat from the sky and the Black Moon did not rise.

Still the Guardians stood over their sleeping makers, down in the darkness of the vaults.

They stood long after the black spells that bound them began to fail.

They stood until the last of the sleeping Talenkar died in his stone bed.  Then they cried out, a mournful wail, angry and alone in the dark.  And some began to wander out from the crypts beneath the long-buried city of Maralûm, and into other dark places under the earth, trailing the rags of their shrouds behind them.

Present Day

After more than five thousand years, the Talenkar Guardians have reached the end of their useful lifespans.  Their once shining armor and enchanted bindings are now blighted with tarnish and rot.  Their people did not awaken, but their task remains:  Guard the Talenkar from outside forces.

Modern reports of Talenkar Guardians encountered below ground detail badly decayed bodies, rusted weapons, and gothic armor from a faded age.  Their overall appearance, once regal, is now that of a poorly reanimated corpse, albeit one preserved in the style of mummification.

Today, most adventurers refer to Talenkar Guardians as Mummies, and the name has stuck.

Found mainly in or around ancient Talenkar ruins, Mummies guard their masters’ lost empire with eternal vigilance.  Any threat to the empire, including its treasures, gravesites, and structures, is met with deadly force.  Many would-be grave robbers have met their end at the hands of a Mummy.

As the black spells that anchor Mummies to their ancient posts wane in power, some have begun to wander into the world.  For a time, these tall and terrifying undead were an aberration rarely encountered.  Mummies have lately appeared with greater frequency both in the Undermere and in the Upper World.  Once a concern only for settlements located near ancient crypts, they have now spread well beyond the boundaries of their former realms.  Talenkar Wanderers attack the living wherever they find them.

While a single Mummy is not often a serious threat, when encountered in numbers they pose a deadly hazard.  Mummies are not mindless Zombies–most retain their faculties and their training in ancient weapons.  To defeat a phalanx of Mummies requires coordination and thoughtful tactics.

The Necromantic magic used to create Mummies is now ancient and unsteady.  Those who wield divine magic and those with knowledge of the dark arts may find it easy to dispel the last magical threads that bind the old flesh together.  Mummies are aware of this.  They avoid Clerics and Necromancers whenever possible, and target them preferentially in combat when they cannot be avoided.


Rooted Guardians.  Mummies were originally tasked to ignore targets that pose no threat, and to stay within the bounds of their assigned locations.  Avoiding Mummies whose magical binds are still intact is often as simple as avoiding Talenkar ruins, and resisting the treasures they hold.

Pain Immunity.  Mummies feel no pain, and will continue to fight after their limbs have been hacked away or their bodies set ablaze.

Hive Mind.  A curious observation from survivors:  Mummies seem able to share their senses.  Tales are told of Mummies avoiding attacks they could not have seen, while other Mummies look on.  More research, and volunteers, are needed for this topic.

Rigid Thinkers.  Though physically strong, Mummies lack mental flexibility.  Once focused on a threat, they will not disengage even when new threats emerge.  Their determination to protect their territory overwhelms all but the strongest attempts to control their enchanted, decaying minds.


Melee 1.  Singing Razor.  A unique double-bladed, two-ended weapon approximately 6 feet in length, designed especially for the most powerful Talenkar Guardians.  Singing Razors are composed of two wide blades with squared ends, joined by a long handle.  Each swing of the Razor consists of an initial attack with the fore blade, and a second, weaker attack with the rear.  The blades have been kept sharp over countless years by enchantments tying each weapon to its wielder.  When the Mummies wielding them die, Singing Razors rapidly decay into rust.  On impact, a Singing Razor deals d20+3 Slashing damage on the primary attack, and d10+3 Slashing damage on the secondary attack.

Melee 2.  Garvan Fork.  An ancient weapon that predates the trident.  Four dagger tips face forward, joined to a spear shaft.  Range 10′.  4d4+3 Piercing damage.

Ranged 1.  Staff of Salande.  A thin metal pole inlaid with enchanted metal scrollwork; this is the standard tool found among Mummies who possess magic abilities.  Though it has limited effectiveness as a melee weapon, it contains charged spells that can be summoned at a moment’s notice.  Five times per long rest when its wielder wills it, the staff can cast either Acid Arrow, Gust of Wind, Scorching Ray, or Guiding Bolt; at 3rd level.

Ranged 2.  Fangvine.  A long whip made from a thorned vine stabilized with dark magic.  Deals d8 Slashing + d6 Piercing damage to targets within 20 feet, with a 25% chance of poisoning the target for an additional d6 damage.  DC 15 CON Save to avoid Poison damage.

Special Units

Razorman.  These tough warriors wield a huge double-edged weapon, the Singing Razor.  Razormen are slow but their strength is immense, and when channeled into their blades it is enough to cleave through metal arms and armor.  Razormen are enchanted with runes that grant them Resistance to physical damage but impart Vulnerability to fire magic.

Mysticker.  Mystickers draw on natural magics, twisted by Necromantic powers and channeled through runes of power carved into their preserved flesh.  They wield Staves of Salande and cast spells as 3rd level Druids, with access to the spell Vampiric Touch.

Swarmer.  Boasting great speed, Swarmers predate Talenkar Guardians.  They were created to overwhelm war beasts of the Talenkar’s historic enemies.  In battle, these Mummies move quickly to a single target, often the largest combatant on the battlefield, and deliver many blows in the blink of an eye.  Swarmers’ rapid movement makes landing ranged attacks against them difficult.  See the Swarm of Death Special Ability below for specifics on Swarmer attacks.

Wanderer.  Wanderers have broken free from their bonds and no longer guard Talenkar sites.  Driven by memories of their old lives, Wanderers ramble the earth searching for places that no longer exist.  Wanderer Mummies can be any subtype.  As a result of breaking their binding enchantments, some Wanderers have compromised intellects.  These will attack the living on sight, and will attack a random target every combat round.

Special Abilities

Hive Mind.  All.  Mummies within a 250-foot radius share each other’s senses and thoughts.  All Mummies within range can Help each other on ability checks once per long rest, and can grant Advantage to an ally’s attack roll once per combat.  Hive Mind is active as long as there are three or more Mummies in range.

Swarm of Death.  Swarmer only.  Works only on a relatively flat battlefield, without major movement impediments such as moats, trenches, or walls.  Once per combat, up to 12 Swarmers in a 100-foot radius can attack a single target all at once.  For each Swarmer attacking in unison, the target Saves vs. DEX 13 + N, where N = the number of Saves they have completed.  Example:  Three Swarmers attack in unison, so the target must Save three times in total, against DEX 13 + 0, DEX 13 +1, and DEX 13 + 2.  The target takes d8+2 Slashing damage from each failed Save.

Aura Mélange.  Mysticker only.  As a final attack, Mysticker Mummies can draw upon the energies contained in their runes and unleash it as a directed burst.  This ability requires a full action.  On release, all creatures within a 50-foot radius of the Mysticker take d12 Necrotic + d12 Radiant + d8 Force damage.  Consumed by the Aura Mélange, the Mysticker then turns to dust.

Swordbreaker.  Razorman only.  Once per combat, Razormen can channel their strength into their Razors and deliver a punishing strike capable of shattering steel.  The target must Save vs. DC DEX 16 or risk being hit directly by this attack.  If unsuccessful, the target may choose to sacrifice their armor, shield, or melee weapon to absorb the attack and avoid taking 3d12+3 Slashing damage.  After using Swordbreaker, Razormen are Stunned for one round.

Runebrand.  All.  The preserving runes on a Mummy’s armor and wrap sap the life of living creatures when touched.  Upon physical contact with a Mummy, victims Save vs. DEX 12 to avoid being branded with the rune.  If branded, the target loses d8 hit points per round until the rune can be magically healed or forcibly disfigured.

Trigger.  All but Wanderer.  The Mummy uses its action to enter a passive state, waiting for the enemy to act.  In this state, the Mummy gains the benefits of the Dodge action, and also gains up to four bonus actions it can use to dodge attacks, move away in five-foot increments, or otherwise react defensively to player actions.

Share Health.  All but Wanderer.  Once per combat, a Mummy can sacrifice up to 20 of their available hit points to heal up to 4 damaged allies within a 100 foot radius.  Each target receives an equal share of the sacrificed hit points.


Run.  Average.  After millennia of continuous service, Mummies have a shambling gait and move more slowly than Humans do.  However, they can keep up their pace for days, and do not require rest.

Climb.  Poor.  Mummies were designed for movement in combat.  Their worn armor and rotted shrouds make climbing difficult.

Swim.  Terrible.  Mummies cannot swim, and erode more quickly in water.  Submerged Mummies last an hour or two before they dissolve completely, leaving behind only their metal arms and armor.

Burrow.  n/a

Fly.  n/a


Mummies attack those who invade Talenkar crypts indiscriminately.

When encountered in the outside world, Mummies have been observed to attack Elves and Half-Elves first.  Very few living seers read or speak the Talenkar language, but two known translations of Talenkar scrolls exist.  Both refer to an ancient and ongoing war with Elves, which apparently Mummies have not forgotten.

See the full blog here.

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