medusa monster card

Medusa Monster Card art by Tyler Hall

Medusa Culture, Psychology, & Lore

by Test Author


“Test quote.”

– Test quoter.

Culture and Psychology


Special Tactics



Cruel Collectors. Test.

Perilous Beauty. Test.

Cold Sensitive. Test.

Matriarchal. Test.


Melee 1. Test.

Melee 2. Test.

Ranged 1. Test.

Ranged 2. Test.

Special Units

Snake Child. Test.

Amphibious Spawn. Test.

Medusa Crone. Test.

Medusa Queen. Test.

Special Abilities

Conceal True Form. Test.

Paralytic Poison. Test.

Call Basilisks. Test.

Dispel Petrification. Test.


Run. Test.

Climb. Test.

Swim. Test.

Burrow. Test.

Fly. n/a


Medusae see themselves as cursed by the Gods, and thus despise Paladins, Clerics, and others who wield divine magic.  They are drawn to beauty, and may respond better to extremely attractive PCs.


See the full blog here.


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