golem monster card

Golem Monster Card art by Daniel Lopez-Melville

Golem Culture, Psychology, & Lore

by Test Author


“Test quote.”

– Test quoter.

Culture and Psychology


Special Tactics



Telepathic Link. Most Golems are linked to their masters telepathically, allowing the master to command them from a distance.  Some specialized Golems are also linked to each other, and can see through each others’ eyes.

Dutiful Servants. Test.

Relentless. Test.

Perfect Stillness. Test.


Melee 1. Test.

Melee 2. Test.

Ranged 1. Test.

Ranged 2. Test.

Special Units

Furnace Golem. Test.

Marble Golem. Test.

Wood Golem. Test.

Cloth Golem. Test.

Special Abilities

Hive Mind. Test.

Deliver Message. Many Golems have been enchanted by their masters to deliver messages under specific conditions, such as PCs entering a specific location or the Golem losing more than half its HP.  These messages may take the form of spoken statements, threats, questions, or even drawn symbols, words, or maps.  The message may offer terms, spin dangerous lies, reveal the location of secret doors or treasure, or provide the PCs with information that is hundreds of years out of date.

Trigger Spell. Test.

Custodial Artists. Test.


Run. Test.

Climb. Test.

Swim. Test.

Burrow. Test.

Fly. n/a


Golems do not tolerate intruders in the places they are tasked to guard.  Depending on their orders, they may remain silent and watchful, or assail the PCs with relentless attacks.  Ancient Golems may harbor memories of past intruders, and so develop grudges against particular races and classes.


See the full blog here.


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