Combat Insults for Wizards!

Wizards.  So many pockets.  So little time.

1. “Nah, me seen this trick before. You open hand, make big fire. Me have trick too. Smash yer head like egg.”

2. “Don’t go fiddlin’ through yer pockets, magey-boy. Keep yer mouth shut an’ yer hands where we can see em’!”

3. “The Wizards we know ain’t big on looks, but they likes their rings, and loves their books! Their hairs is white, their robes is long, their skinny arms ain’t very strong, an’ how we loves the way they yells once they runs out of fire spells, the horde runs in with coals and hooks, we bleeds em’ dry an’ burns their books!”

4. “Me like Wizards. Crunchy. Taste like smoke.”

5. “O ho! A Wizard, lads! Like our Shamans, they is. But wit’ fancier words an’ more book learnin’.”

6. “Silence, Mage. Your magic is no match for mine. I will turn you to ash where you stand if you but lift a finger.”

7. “A Wizard! He sees us! Ahhh! Run!”

8. “Mus’ be nice, sitting round wit’ yer book while all the real work gets done.”

9. “We do not fear your arcane spells. Only the divine light can save you here.”

10. “Looting dead Wizards is a dreadful pain. So many pouches to search.”


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